Immediate Energy from leftover bread

Bioenergy by the digester of Enki Energy

Leftover bread that is no longer fit for human consumption, is still a rich source of energy. With the Enki digester one kilogram of bread yields over 400 liters of biogas. In the digester the biogas is produced by micro-organisms and the only other remaining products are wastewater and a very small amount of solid material.

Cooking on biogas
Cooking on biogas

The biogas can directly be used for cooking (photo). Alternative uses for the biogas are production of electricity and/or heat.

Bread Digester (1 m3), Enki Energy B.V.; (photo Petra van Schaik)
Bread Digester (1 m3), Enki Energy B.V.; (photo Petra van Schaik)

Our digesters can be built in virtually any size. For practical reasons the minimum size of the digester vessel is 1 m3. The smallest digesters are easily placed inside buildings. (photo).

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